2015 Insight Papers

Technology Doesn’t Sound Like the Problem

Technology Doesn’t Sound Like the Problem

Sanjana Ravi, Nicola Patron, Ted Fjällman & Karen Ingram

Though significant technological leaps are still yet to be made, the main obstacles to synthetic biology making the world a better place do not lie in the laboratory. We, as a community of emerging leaders in synbio, must listen with a collective ear, develop socially responsible practices, engage with international agencies that have a mandate to improve lives, and provide a conduit for information on how synbio can be used to addressed local and global problems. 

Perspectives on US Military Synbio

Perspectives on US Military Synbio

Cameron Keys

The US military has tremendous leverage in many aspects of the US and global economies. What might happen if, over the next few decades, the US Department of Defense (DoD) were to develop and apply synthetic biology methods at scale for applications such as acquiring and sustaining propellants, purified water, food, lubricants, coatings, plastics, clothing, medical supplies, and technologies for waste management and environmental remediation?